The Bridal - Chamber Of God
Greetings to all Our Beloved Spiritual Children, those who are Faithful and Courageous Like their Heavenly Parents, MelquisedecLisbet and who have Our Patience to Wait for all the Things that God Have Prepared for Our Faithful and True People. All of you are Faithful because you Believe as I Believe, with and in My Faith, the Faith of Christ, and for God the Father that is the Most Gratifying Gift from Our Spiritual Children. How Beautiful! We also greet all the Foreigners who are now Part of Our Almighty Kingdom of Justice and Peace of Heaven. It is so good to Have all of you, the Righteous who are being Made Perfect as We, God Father and Mother, Are Perfect and it is because Gods’ Perfection Opened the Treasury of Their Truth. The Sacred One of the Sacred Has Been Opened for you. The Bridal-Chamber of God Invited You to Enter! (Ref. Gospel of Philip). and you are not lazy giving excuses to not Enter; you have Accepted the Invitation of the King and Queen and have Entered the Bridal- Chamber of your Spiritual Parents, and God, Husband and Wife, MelquisedecLisbet. You are Seated at the Holy Table of God Eating the Bread and Drinking the Wine that Comes from Heaven. The King and Queen of Salem Have Come out to Meet you since Melquisedec, the King of Justice and Peace of Heaven, Has Brought out His Celestial Bread and Wine which is Christ, in other words, He Arrived with His Wife and at Their Wedding Supper He Is Giving His Guests, to Eat His Holy and Eternal Food, His Wisdom that has no Beginning of Days nor End of Life, Who Has Always Existed and Will Exist Forever.
Christ Lisbet's Greeting | King Of Salem
Christ Lisbet's Greeting | King Of Salem