The Resurrection And The Death
Greetings in this Eternal Day of Holiness that We Have Created in each one of you; Our Holy angels, who Truly Love the Light, The Truth of God. We Are Happy to know that it is with the Reverent Fear and Joy of Heaven that you Offer Your Minds and Bodies to God as a Living and Holy Sacrifice, Showing Gratitude toward God for being Spiritually Alive. How Beautiful to know that you have the Patience of the Holy Gods MelquisedecLisbet, to Wait with Our Joy and Peace of Heaven, for all the things that you Have Asked for with a Pure Heart, to Manifest, that you are not anxious nor disconsolate nor uncertain, as is the rest of the world. You are not afraid because you know God well and have the Name of God the Father Melquisedec and His Christ, Lisbet, Written on your Foreheads, you have Our Armaments of Heaven to Defeat death and never perish, and that Pleases Us Greatly. Do you know how wonderful it is to Know and Have the Faith of Christ? And Know how to detect the thief from afar when he’s comings to try and steal the Peace of Heaven that I Have Given you because you Know The Voice of your Pastor Christ Lisbet Well, and You know that when any thought that is not of My Peace and Repose of Heaven, but of sicknesses and sadness, anger, rage or of many other bad things, which come from the enemy and not of God MelquisedecLisbet, that you have the Armaments of God ready to Conquer that thief, you know Who to Ask for Help and to not let’em steal any of the Gifts that God Gives you, that is so Wonderful. What a great Relief. Blessed are the Men who Know where the thieves are going to enter by because they can get Moving, Gather their Assets and Prepare for Action before the thieves arrive. Be on Alert and Beware of the earthly world. Gird up your Loins with My Strength and Prepare for Action, so that the thieves cannot pierce and find the Path to you, closed; because if not, the difficulties you suspect will come true. (Ref. Gospel of Tomas) My Obedient Children know when the thief comes to try and steal because I Have Taught them what the Truth is, therefore, anything that is not My Truth, is a lie and a thief who tries to take from you, the Repose, that I Give You. Thanks to God the Father and Christ Who Are Present in your Minds, you are Freed from those thieves. Hallelujah!
Christ Lisbet's Greeting | King Of Salem
Christ Lisbet's Greeting | King Of Salem